Reuters have now released a statement saying it has recalled all photos by Hajj. "Reuters has withdrawn from its database all photographs taken by Beirut-based freelance Adnan Hajj after establishing that he had altered two images since the start of the conflict between Israel and the Lebanese Hizbullah group," the statement said.
The agency said that it (er...?) discovered "in the last 24 hours that he (Hajj) altered two photographs since the beginning of the conflict between Israel and the Lebanese group Hizbullah," Reuters added. "There is no graver breach of Reuters standards for our photographers than the deliberate manipulation of an image", Reuters' statement quoted Tom Szlukovenyi, Reuters Global Picture Editor, as saying.
Reuters also said it would apply "tighter editing procedure for images of the Middle East conflict to ensure that no photograph from the region would be transmitted to subscribers without review by the most senior editor on the Reuters Global Pictures Desk."
For further details, see Muqata.
Now, what about Qana? And what about the other agencies? American Thinker has some views on this.
Newsnight are picking up the story this evening. I am doing an interview for them. From past experience, they will record me for half an hour and then use 30 seconds of carefully selected phrasing to illustrate precisely the point they wanted to make.
I should know better than to agree to be interviewed.
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