LIBANON Wie ein Rettungshelfer aus der Stadt Kana als Hisbollah-Agent verleumdet wurde. Die Spur führt nach England.Translated, this is:
LEBANON. Rescue worker from Qana smeared as Hezbollah Puppet. Allegations trace back to England.Apparently, his name is Ist Salam Daher and, according to a one report from a reader, he claims to be have been a rescue worker for ten years. He is a father of three children and claims he is "no hezbollah-guy". We are told he says that he showed one dead child to the photographers in Qana "in order to get rid of them."
We've been promised a translation of the article and we'll reserve comment until we've seen it.
Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin has some superb examples of staging photography, plus links to other sites.
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