We have been enjoined to participate in another mad greenie scheme, asking us to reduce the "carbon footprint" of our blog by allowing a tree to be planted in our name.
The aim is "to raise awareness of the carbon emissions resulting from the use of the internet - specifically of blogs. A blog with 15,000 visits a month has a yearly carbon dioxide emissions of 8lb."
Thus, to neutralise these emissions the organisers have created "My blog is carbon neutral" buttons (pictured) so that happy little bloggers can demonstrate that they care about the environment and the carbon emissions of their blogs.
This is a small but nontheless (sic) worthy solution to contribute to environmental issues. "Our idea is to show possibilities to make a contribution to protect the environment," say the scheme organisers.
The worst of it all is that they appear to be serious. However, I suppose as a perverse incentive, readers can take some consolation from the fact that, every time they view this site, they are adding 0.000044 lb of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (provided they don't breathe while they are reading).
We are considering setting up a fund to pay al-Gore for the offsets.