Thursday, January 21, 2010

Round two

After Part I, here we have Dr Hasnain, the "obscure" glaciologist who seems to have invented to 2035 figure.

This time, to me in my little cubicle blind to what was happening, the interview was anarchic - I could barely make out what on earth was going on. All I had was this hysterical voice shrieking at me. At times, I wasn't sure who was supposed to be speaking, or what even we were talking about. I guess Hasnain - "I'm only a consultant' – is not one of my fans either.

The piece is heavily edited, by the way. They chopped a whole section where I explained how Hasnain has been part of TERI when an application was made to the Carnegie Corporation for a grant of $500,000, on the basis of the glaciers melting by 2035.

Now read Andrew Bolt in the Herald Sun - brilliant!