This paper is retailing a report from the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF) which asserts that wind is failing to deliver value for money and distorting the development of other renewable energy sources. Furthermore, excessive subsidies make them an expensive and inefficient way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The report is actually written by John Constable, of REF, and Robert Barfoot, the chairman of the North Devon branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England. And even this has a greenie tinge as they say the subsidy scheme is encouraging energy firms to build as many wind farms as possible because it is more profitable than investing in other more expensive forms of renewable technology, such as wave power.
Actually, the main problem is that the generosity of the subsidy scheme is diverting cash from investment in longer-term schemes such as nuclear, and also driving generators to invest in increasingly expensive gas, this being the most suitable back-up for wind.
Nevertheless, the report authors say: "The market for renewable energy is an artificial one created and maintained by government legislation. The question is whether this consumer-derived money is well spent. It is worth noting that the excessive subsidy offered to onshore wind development has drawn developers even to sites where the wind resource is very weak and the environmental impact severe."
As it stands, there are 176 wind farms operating 2,033 turbines onshore and at sea, earning approximately £223 million in subsidies. In addition, there are another 235 wind farms in the planning stage which would see 3,189 turbines, many more than 400ft tall, installed by 2013. By 2020, with 25GW installed, the subsidy could reach £6 billion a year.
As an example of the way the rip-off works, pictured above left is one of the existing

Unsurprisingly The Sunday Telegraph also gives space to Booker for a comment piece, where he calls wind farms, "One of the great deceptions of our time".
Gradually, the message is beginning to sink in. With
But, there is one minor problem ... wind energy is an EU-supported obsession. To stop the scam, we have to confront the EU. Is there a politician brave enough to do this?